In the 2023 FT-UB Achievement Student Selection (PILMAPRES) which was held on March 20-21 2023, the Chemical Engineering Department sent 2 reliable delegates, namely Aditya Bayu Pratama (2020) and Alip Faturrahman (2020). Both of them have a series of achievements in the field of Chemical Engineering or across scientific fields at the national and international levels. A number of these achievements include: 1st place in the Nusantara Scientific Competition Season 8 Student Essay Competition, 3rd place in the National University of Brawijaya Online Student Scientific Writing Competition, 1st place in the Scientific Student Forum (FORMASI) FEB UNTAN, 1st place in I-COP Week Essay Competition , 1st place in the 2022 Youth International Science Fair, 1st place in the International Agritech Research and Entrepreneurship Innovation (AGREETION), 2nd place in the 2022 “LENSA” Chapter 4 National Essay Competition, 3rd place in the 2022 UNRAM Hardiknas National Essay Competition.

Aditya Bayu Pratama
Alip Faturrahman

From the various categories used as parameters, Aditya Bayu Pratama won 2nd place and Alip Faturrahman won 3rd place. Congratulations on being selected as MAWAPRES, a very extraordinary achievement, I hope it can inspire friends in the Chemical Engineering Department and be able to carry out the mandate and responsibility as an outstanding student of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Brawijaya.

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